Friday, June 5, 2009

Father-In-Law's Bondurant Driving School Experience

We gave my Father-In-Law a ticket to Bondurant Driving School for his 60th birthday. He had 4 days of schooling and driving from June 1st - June 4th. He had a wonderful time. He kept telling us how excited, happy, and exhausted he was.

Here he is in his Corvette... his son would be proud.

They practicted accident avoidance where the lights at the end told them which way to turn at the last minute, avoiding the cones at the end.

End of the 1st day, he got a picture with his car and the little Bondurant Bear that is in the women's bathroom.
On the 3rd day, we went again. This time he was driving in a formula car.

Tiffany waving the green flag! Shhh... don't tell Bondurant, we were afraid we were going to get kicked out.

We were in the flag box getting a bird's eye view.

They raced around the track and were flagged in when they were finished for that time.

Dale's instructor, William. He was his instructor for the 4 days.

Giving William the thumbs up to go out again.

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